Bella Body Medical Spa

medical mask

Currently browsing: medical mask
  • Maskne

    Not long ago when we heard the word “face mask” we thought of good skin. We thought of skincare masks that are used to help clear our complexion. Now, you probably think of a medical mask. Unfortunately, this type of face mask is not the best for your skin and is causing some to experience “maskne” aka mask acne. ⁣⁣

    What Is Maskne? How Does It Occur?

    The scientific term is “acne mechanica,” meaning the mechanical friction of the mask fabric rubbing against your skin is causing breakouts. It can cause pimples, redness, or irritation around your mouth, cheeks, and jawline. The mask traps sweat, skin oils, and bacteria on the skin which can also cause acne.

    Avoid Maskne:

    •Wash your face regularly- before & after wearing your mask

    •Wear less makeup⁣⁣- breakup with your makeup, at least temporarily. If this is hard for you, go for a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen. (EltaMD Skincare)

    •Choose a soft, cotton mask if possible & keep it clean- wash masks often


    Treat Maskne With ZO SKIN HEALTH:

    •Exfoliate (ZO exfoliating polish)⁣⁣

    •Use medical grade cleansers (ZO gentle cleanser)⁣⁣

    •Retinal (ZO retinal skin brightener)⁣⁣

    •Try our ZO Skin Health Acne Prevention & Treatment Program bundle!

    ⁣⁣All products listed may be purchased in-store or online. Shop Now!

    Maskne is worse during the summer months due to the increased oil production. It is essential that you keep up with regular spa treatments. This is the best way to maintain healthy skin. Call now for a complimentary consultation! 215.622.7724